May The Style Be With You
Fashion Icons Get A Star Wars Makeover
From the people that brought you the Minionistas, comes a new breed of intergalactic style icon… To celebrate the hotly anticipated release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens the team at Stylight decided to do what they do best and transform the likes of Karl Lagerfeld, Anna Wintour, Kanye West and Cara Delevingne (who's usually in causal wear like Diesel high top trainers) into classic Star Wars characters including Yoda, R2-D2 and Chewbacca.

The build up to Star Wars: The Force Awakens has been immense:
Everything from ice cream and instant coffee to nail varnish and even the Google homepage have been given a spaced out touch so it only felt natural to combine fashion’s biggest icons with the galaxy’s most famous faces. Afterall, as Yoda said “Do. Or do not. There is no try.”
Star Wars has been a recurring theme on runways for many years now. Who could forget Chanel’s AW 2010 iceage collection with distinctly Chewbacca inspired fur onesies, Balmain’s C-3PO influenced all-gold AW 2013 runway looks and of course Rodarte’s AW 2015 collection which actually featured Star Wars characters printed onto flowing maxi dresses.
Diving deeper into the Star Wars characters there seemed to be some out of this world fashion comparisons to be made...

Karltrooper & Snowpette
The Stormtrooper’s distinctive monochrome uniform made them a perfect match with inimitable designer Karl Lagerfeld who’s always sporting his trademark black and white suit.
And we couldn’t forget his furry sidekick Choupette who looks like she should have always been a mini stormtrooper!
Shop Karl Lagerfeld bags on Stylight
Darth Victoria
Who better to mix with sith lord Darth Vader than the woman who made wearing head to toe black fashionable… Victoria Beckham.

Yoda Wintour
Jedi Master Yoda is famed for his small green frame, sage thinking and wise quotes so naturally we transformed him into Editor In Chief of Vogue and fountain of all fashion knowledge Anna Wintour!
Brave droid R2-D2 plays a longstanding role in Star Wars and is one of the only characters to appear in all 7 films and will also be present in The Force Awakens.
Given his well-established role in the fashion world and R2-D2 inspired trademark blue and white features we mixed French fashion designer Jean Paul Gaultier with the mini droid. A pair of women's silver trainers would give you that Star Wars look with just the right amount of futuristc vibes.

Kanye Maul
Warrior Darth Maul can be summed up in one word… formidable and, in our galaxy, nobody is more formidable than rapper/ fashion designer Kanye West! Say goodbye to Kanye's usual Schott NYC jackets and hello to his new cape!
Cara's usually famous for rocking casual wear such as Adidas printed t-shirts and casual Nike trousers so we decided to give her a furry makeover! Cara Delevingne x Chewbacca seemed like a no brainer to us… the irreverent model turned actress loves nothing more than pulling crazy faces and messy hair so naturally we combined her with Wookie warrior and all round hair inpso Chewbacca!

Miley Binks
According to Wikipedia Jar Jar Binks’ primary role in Star Wars is to ‘provide comic relief’ for the audience and we have to say this does ring true of Miley Cyrus too! Her kooky outfits and outrageous dance moves always get the audience talking!

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" will be released in the UK on December 17th
Trailers and teasers show familiar faces such as Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford reprise their roles with a whole host of new actors including Lupita Nyong'o and Girls’ Adam Driver. Since the movie has been shrouded in such mystery and kept so under wraps we can’t wait to see what’s in store!
The Fashion Force Is Strong With This One.